Partnering with FareShare Midlands to serve up local food poverty support

Partnering with FareShare Midlands to serve up local food poverty support

Our ethos is all about reducing waste sustainably and our goal is zero to landfill, which happens to be echoed by FareShare Midlands’ philosophy.

We’re also passionate about supporting the local community as much as we possibly can, so when we heard about local charity, FareShare Midlands, and their work and how it aligns with our values, we immediately reached out to help them.

Based in Nechells, the charity receives good quality surplus food from retailers and suppliers, which might otherwise end up in landfill. The food is then sorted and stored by teams of dedicated staff and volunteers and redistributed through a network of local charities and community groups, such as community centres and cafes, pantries, hostels, before and after-school clubs and churches. The food is then used to support people facing challenging circumstances and living in poverty. This work is more important than ever as COVID19 continues to have far-reaching implications for jobs, the economy and the wellbeing of local people.

We were introduced to FareShare Midlands via one of our members of staff. Upon exploring their work, we instantly knew they were the perfect fit for our on-going charitable plans.

Not only have we already been out to meet the FareShare Midlands team, but some of our staff are in the process of taking some time out of their everyday schedules to help out with picking and packing food in the warehouse. We know it’s early days, but we know this is the start of a long and rewarding partnership.